International Trade
Select Publications:
- Kalaitzandonakes, N., K. Zahringer and J. Kruse, “The Economic Impacts of Regulatory Delays on Trade and Innovation” Journal of World Trade, 49 (6): 1011–1046, 2015.
- Kalaitzandonakes, N., J. Kaufman, and D. Miller “Potential Economic Impacts of Zero Thresholds for Unapproved GMOs: The EU Case” Food Policy, 45:146–157, 2014.
- Kalaitzandonakes, N., J. Kaufman and D. Miller “Economic Impact Analysis of Potential Trade Restrictions on Biotech Maize in Latin American Countries” chapter 22 in Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics, A. Pinto and D. Zilberman, Springer, 2013.
- Huang, J., D. Zhang, S. Rozelle, and N. Kalaitzandonakes. “Will the Biosafety Protocol Hinder or Protect the Developing World? Lessons from China’s Experience,” Food Policy, 33(1), 1-12, 2008.
- Parcell, J.L. and N. Kalaitzandonakes. “Do Agricultural Commodity Prices Respond to Bans Against BioEngineered Crops?” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 52(2): 201-09, 2004.