EMAC research presented in Copenhagen

EMAC fellow, Christos Kolympiris, presented joint-work with Ken Zahringer and Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes at the Copenhagen Conferences on Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Jan. 19. Their research examines factors that influence the amount of time it takes for patents of entrepreneurial biotech firms to issue. The volume of patent applications that are in the queue for the United States Patent and Trademark Office to process have drastically increased, and similarly the time from application to grant date has more than doubled in the last 15 years. EMAC researchers analyzed the factors that cause such delays including the strategic incentives of emerging entrepreneurial life sciences firms.

The conference focused on entrepreneurial firm strategy, the drivers of innovation and the role of the public sector in fostering economic development. Other presenters in the conference included Professor Scott Stern (MIT), Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi University) and Maryann Feldman (University of North Carolina).

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